Smile Politely

Market Watch: Dreary, but still plentiful

Market weeks number three is upon us, and with it comes some fussy spring weather. Yeah, it might rain, but keep in mind that if folks in the Pacific Northwest just put on their rain gear and head out to their markets — we can too!

Not much has changed in terms of produce availability; the wet weather is hampering both planting and harvesting, but even so, there’ll be plenty to choose from still:

  • asparagus
  • salad mix
  • bok choi
  • green onions
  • cabbage
  • lettuce
  • spinach (maybe)
  • radishes
  • chard
  • kale
  • rhubarb
  • strawberries!!!
  • fresh herbs
  • certified organic plant starts
  • goat cheese
  • locally-raised eggs and meat (including duck meat and chemical-free hotdogs at the Moores’!)
  • bagels
  • other 100% legal “indie” baked goods
  • flowers and plants
  • art and crafts from local artisans

The Moo Mobile from Sidney will be back and in effect with their righteous ice cream in Row Five. You’ll need to consider the salsa for sale by Darn Good Fresh Foods along the Illinois Street row. And here’s a hint: next week looks dry and warmish, so get those plant starts you’ve been meaning to buy at the Market and plant next week. You’ll be glad you did.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Bralts-Kelly

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