Smile Politely

Market Watch: July 3

Time to celebrate your food independence by coming out to Market at the Square this weekend. It is not as though there will be slim pickins, either — independence means enjoying the extreme hard work of local farmers… and extreme benevolence of a rather fine-mooded Mother Nature. What a combination!

So, last week MW got the usual peaches/tomatoes/corn situation — now at the Market for the next 6 weeks, at the very least — and also found some terrific garlic and some amazingly huge blackberries. It’s not just about the marquee items, peeps. Staple vegetables and small fruits, along with meat, cheese, eggs, breads, pasta, etc. kinda make the world go ’round.

Here’s a little list of what you’ll be able to find this week: arugula, broccoli, beets, green beans, radishes, mixed greens, rainbow chard, kale, green onions, cabbage, fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, turnips, peaches, nectarines, apricots, early apples, eggplant, kohlrabi, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants, sweet corn, potatoes, and who knows what else — those farmers always have something growing…

Of course, plants, flowers, art, crafts, performance, and the best people watching in town will also be in full effect at the Market this weekend. Speaking of, if you have friends in from out of town for the holiday weekend, bring them to the Market. It’s an awesome place to show off to your family or out-of-town friends. MW’s parents-in-law are huge fans, and have made trips to town just to check things out on Saturdays.

The Market’s merchandise for the season is finally available ― there’s this great “I Heart MY farmers market” design on the front of the t-shirts (the heart is actually the Market’s rooster logo); on the back is a groovy bike/tractor design. They also are selling very durable and sturdy and BIG tote bags made from recycled cotton — those have the “I Heart MY farmers market” design, too. They have them at the City tent, and you can get yourself a shirt and a bag for under twenty bucks. Score! I hear the City is accepting cash and checks only for these items, not their own Market money, which is kind of funny.

Market money, though, is a great concept because it allows you to use your credit, debit, or LINK card at the Market — the City tent is the point of sale. All vendors (well, except the City) accept the credit and debit tokens, and all produce and whole food vendors accept the LINK tokens in addition to credit/debit. Please go to the City tent if you have any questions at all or want to get tokens.

Oh, yes — the Urbana Free Library will be at the Market this weekend, handing out balloons and signing people up for library cards and maybe reading a few stories. Should be fun!

Have a great holiday weekend!

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